Thursday, May 23, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Who wants to be the smartest game show contestant

Back in the day, being smart, knowing it all, was so not cool. Tell that to 1 million dollar-winner John Carpenter, who answered every question on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

Click the image to be taken to YouTube. Don't ask me why.

*Image source: Youtube/GSN

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beyonce at the bus stop

Not the ad.

New Yawkers: Have you peeped the billboard ad of Beyonce for H&M?

If so, was she covered? Apparently, some residents do not understand the point of a bikini; almost every day, the bottom-half of Mrs. Carter's summery outfit is covered!

The UK's Daily Mail is laughing at us about the cover-up, with one story commenter called us "prudish". I call it confusing: how else is someone supposed to sell swimwear? O.o

Well, we can't share pics here, so click the link and enjoy. Because, we just cannot get enough of Beyonce, right? 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Before Bob Barker...

Can you name the original host of the Price is Right? if you were born after the 60s, probably not.
Check out our olderst TT on the blog:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where do buses go to retire? Disneyland!

Reportedly, the average costs of a metropolitan bus are between $300,000 to $600,000. Therefore, it should come to no surprise that the powers that be want to find more usage for the old buses when, like other vehicles, they are ridden until their wheels fall off.

In California, local government officials send their buses to Disneyland to serve as shuttles between the park and the various parking lots. In other parts of the country, buses are sold to the private sector for all sorts of light transportation duties.

Why not refurbish the buses to keep them in service?
In some cases, older bus models aren't equipped with wheelchair access ramps, a mandatory item these days. In other cases, there is simply too much of a risk to keep older buses on the road. Should anything occur in which an old, "gave out" bus is concerned...imagine the lawsuits!

If you could afford to buy one, what would you do with a retired bus?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Throwback Thursdays: When you win...

The BSG is back! Better than ever...going nationwide soon. In some parts of the country the game will be aired in Spanish. Hola! Official announcement, with dates, channels and time, coming soon.
just when you thought we went the way of some other game shows (hi, haters!) we are back with a vengeance.

With all this excitement, what can be better? Well, how about winning some money? Wnjoy this clip, courtesy of YouTube/GSN: